A fingerboard boutique by Will & Timmy and all of the brotherhood.

Heavy Crossbow History Club

Fingerboarding is the bow and Kindness is the arrow.

Our recent video "wings of feathers and glue"


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heavy crossbow love, heavy crossbow fight, kindness is our light. :crossbow commandment 1:

heavy crossbow; the website heavy crossbow; the website heavy crossbow; the website

Shape guide. We have an array of hand shaped decks with loads of graphics, dyes, and shapes to chose from. Here is where you can learn about some of them.

From Wings of Feather and Glue pretty dragon and her stash as seen on ig

Happy patrons/your guys bows.

I rlly love making art and boards for you guys to enjoy. Heres some of my favorite setups you guys have constructed. blue knight brother zanes boards pony falconry club

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